Monday, 18 December 2017

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Gryf Flame Blimps

With Fire and Sword!

More Polish-Lithuanian reinforcements below!

Haven't we seen these before?

As similar as this ship may look to the Grom Gunnery Blimps painted, the two vessels really can't be more different. While the Groms are intended to sit at medium range and shoot things to pieces with a combination of turrets and fore guns, the Gryfs are considerably more straightforward. They are built around a single huge flamethrower, and are designed to get up close, set things on fire, and then throw angry boarding marines onto enemy ships.

Visually, they are very similar to the Groms, but with a much cleaner look - instead of a large bridge and turret, instead the detail is focussed on the bottom, with a single huge flamethrower.

Painting-wise, these were very similar to the rest of this fleet. I was originally intending to include this squadron in my first month of the Tale of 2 Admirals, but I ended up finishing the squadron in two days before the start of November, which felt like cheating.

That's enough words, now onto the photos.

A simple, sleek design, but with a lot of detail if you look closely.
As happy as I am with this colour-scheme, it's definitely not easy to photograph!
The squadron together

If the Zamiec gets finished as planned this month as part of the Tale of 2 Admirals, this will be the end of my PLC fleet. Looking forward to getting the entire fleet out and exhibited together!

May be a bit quiet over the next couple of weeks, but I will be planning to make a start on some Infinity painting - may do an introductory post about that game at some point.

In the meantime, thanks for looking!

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