Friday, 6 April 2018

Dropfleet Commander - Use more gun!

More cruisers done for the UCM

Read on for more...

In a recent flurry of activity, I've managed to get the final two cruiser-hulled ships from the UCM starter box painted up. I have made even more of an effort with these ships to make the highlights stand out to make them even more striking from across the table. I think I've achieved that without making them look too luminous! Once again, I really enjoyed painting these, and I'm very happy with the result.

The Moscow Class Heavy Cruiser
It fits with the UCM's very straightforward mantra of just sticking more guns onto ships as they get bigger.
I tried to use larger blocks of grey on this to differentiate it further from the regular cruisers.
The hull was magnetised to allow me to also assemble it as a St Petersburg.
I also finished the second cruiser hull. As with the first, this has been magnetised to allow me to assemble it in a multitude of configurations. I've only photographed it assembled as a Seattle for now however.

A second Seattle Class Fleet Carrier joins the fleet

With these two models painted I have finished the UCM starter fleet of 3 cruisers and 4 frigates.
The "fleet" so far in all its glory.
I recently took advantage of Adepticon to pick up 3 of the limited edition Saratoga Class Light Cruisers from TTCombat. These are primed and ready to paint as a reward for me finishing my Dystopian Wars painting for this month, so expect to see them soon.

Thanks for looking!

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