Monday, 27 August 2018

Infinity - The Imperial Service


More photos after the jump.

Hello all. I realise it's been a while since I've posted anything here. It's not for lack of any painting progress - in fact it's because I have been quite busy and my free time has been taken up with more painting!

Infinity - An Introduction

Infinity is a 28mm skirmish wargame from Corvus Belli. It is set in a cyber-punk-esque future where the various factions of the Human Sphere take part in covert-ops missions against the other while in a state of nominal peace. Standard force sizes are 10-20 models, which means it's possible to spend a decent amount of time and effort painting each model - this is for the best as Corvus Belli make some of the best 28mm sci-fi models currently on the market.

The Imperial Service

The army I've been working on most recently is the Imperial Service (ISS) a sub-army of Yu-Jing, which is a pan-Asian superpower built around Confucian ideals and a reborn Chinese Imperial system. The ISS are the military wing of the Yu-Jing judiciary, and represent the will of the Emperor. They are the inquisition, judge, jury and executioner rolled up into one. 

Painting-wise I have tried to capture some of the pomp and ceremony of the Imperial Service with deep-reds and golds on the elite heavy infantry, all over relatively dour and militaristic blue/grey armour and grey fatigues.

Anyway, onto the photos!

Crane Rank Agent
High ranking agents - they are versatile heavy assault infantry
The model feels suitably imposing given the unit's role!

Hsien Agent
Another high ranking agent, once again taking to the field in heavy power armour
Equipped with a Multispectral Visor, the Hsien is excellent at dealing with camouflaged opponents
Zhanying Agents
Lower ranking agents, they come with a wide variety of skills making them versatile, if inefficient
Pheasant Rank Agent (L) and Kanren (R)
Pheasants are mid-ranking agents, while Kanren are a specialised counter-insurgency division
Celestial Guard
The Celestial Guard are the basic line infantry of the ISS
No ISS force would be complete without some Kuang-Shi
Brainwashed prisoners strapped with remote detonated explosive devices - the ISS are not the good guys!

I currently have further reinforcements for this army on the painting table - a fourth Kuang-Shi, a Ninja and a Sophotect - more of those to come when they're finished!

Thanks for looking.

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